Saturday, June 1

hot weather survival tips with cranky kids

ask Mr Grumples if you can borrow one of his plastic superhero tumblers  to demonstrate what good manners look like as he has clearly forgotten. Also, offer him some watermelon chunks as you fill up your glass; it's a healthy and nutritious snack that won't ruin his dinner.  when taking the watermelon and cherry infused vodka out of the freezer ask cranky pants if he notices anything different about the fruit or why isn't the liquid frozen? it's science! Also offer him some of the remaining Kern's peach nectar after you've topped off your glass; it's good for the kiddos to try new things.  And lastly, enjoy that cold, hard-earned drink. You can now relax, and join your child at the table for the special dinner you made him ahead of yours so he would go to bed early allowing you to enjoy the rest of your evening.

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