Saturday, March 30

Easter Friday

When you are Jewish and work on the weekend you can celebrate Easter whenever you like. So that is what we did yesterday.  A friend shared the following Easter activity with me; plant jelly beans with your kids and surprise them with fancy colored lollipops that grew from the "beans".

I loved this idea but am opposed to almost any candy that does not involve chocolate, especially jelly beans and lollipops.  So I came up with a little twist that would ensure lots of chocolaty Easter fun.

1) Create and package "Easter Seeds".  I sliced chocolate chips in half so they were a little less recognizable then wrapped them up in a seed packet.  This was quickly thrown together while D watched tv.

Construction paper, double sided tape, and sharpies.
2) Have D check the mail.
Hey, what's this?!
He always puts the flag up to open the mail box.
3) Plant the seeds and give them a little water (then play in the mud of course).

4)  The next day before he came home from school I planted the carrots and waited. Even though they had been stored in the fridge they got a bit soft waiting for his arrival (72 degrees with a light breeze, not bad).

5) Reap the chocolaty "fruits" of our labors

I think we will do this again next year. He was very pleased with his harvest.


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