Monday, July 8

Sort of Sweedish Meatballs. Swedish Meatballs Plus?

So ground beef was on sale.  We've had tacos, we've had crockpot lasagna. That is the extent of my ground beef repertoire.  So this afternoon I looked into meatball recipes.  I really like porcupine/hedgehog meatballs because the rice is yummy, filling, and different. But I wanted to try something new that didn't involve tomato sauce or barbeque sauce so as not to wear out our taste buds in the tomato based condiment department.  Swedish meatballs seemed like the answer, but I didn't know what made them Swedish.  Just a pinch of a few different spices is all. In my internet searching I also found an Alton Brown recipe that called for chopped frozen spinach. I am a fan of hiding veggies where kids won't notice so I incorporated this into my master plan.
So here it is, Meatballs!

1lb ground meat (I used all beef 85/15)
1/2 cup uncooked rice
1 egg (beaten)
1 cup frozen chopped spinach (thawed and squeezed)
tsp soy sauce
pinch ground ginger
pinch allspice
1 med tomato diced
2 c broth (I used chicken, would have used beef if I had it)

Preheat oven to 350. Pinch small pieces of beef off into bowl. add rice, egg, spinach, soy sauce, and spices. Toss to mix with fingers. Form 1" balls and place in greased dish. Pour broth and diced tomatoes over meatballs.  Cover and bake for 45 minutes.  Uncover and cook an additional 15 minutes.

I served these with broccoli and cheese mashed potatoes.  If I were really with it I would have made gravy with the both left in the baking dish.
pinch cinnamon