Thursday, May 2

Crock Pot Marjoram Chicken

I feel like marjoram is one of those spices that always shows up in your spice rack and you have no idea what to do with it. Or at least i didn't.  So last night I took a cut up chicken that needed to be cooked, plopped it in the crock pot, and put my marjoram to use.

Slow Cooked Marjoram Chicken

2-3 lbs of chicken (whole chicken, thighs, whatevs)
1 palm dried marjoram
1 palm tarragon
1/4 cup soy sauce

cook on low 6-8 hours
I was successful with 2 hours on high and 1.5 hours on low

Maybe I just really like my own cooking, but I LOVED the flavors of this. 

Cooking chicken this way makes enough broth to save for later use or make into gravy.

                * everything you ever wanted to know about marjoram

Lazy Horchata

If you are like me, when you are hot and thirsty you don't crave what is best for you: a big glass of water.  Maybe it is the NM water, or my over stimulated taste buds, but I always crave something....really delicious.  So when I discovered horchata last summer I felt as though my hydration dreams had come true.  Just last week, on one of the warmest days this spring, my pal and I went for fro yo and they had a horchata flavor (and a chai flavor, red velvet flavor, and cake batter. Man I love OLO). 

I was so refreshed after my cup of frozen horchata fro yo that I vowed to make that refreshment mine, anytime I wanted it, for cheap.  My internet search lead me to this site.  I followed their instructions including the method that adds almond milk to the horchata in place of water.  That is, the method that has you whip up some almond milk as well. 

Well, what resulted was exactly what I had in mind.  The beverage was cold, slightly sweet, and incredibly refreshing.  The mess that resulted in my kitchen was not what I had in mind, nor was the amount of effort involved. To be fair, it was the first time I ever used an immersion blender and that took some learning. 

What I have come up with now is a lazy version that is just as good as the more involved version.

1 cup raw almonds
2 cups rice (i am using 1/2 brown & 1/2 white because that's what we have on hand)
1 cinnamon stick
4 cups water
2-3 Tablespoons sugar or honey
cheese cloth

Combine almonds, rice, and boiled water in a container of your choice (keep in mind, if using an immersion blender, container should be friendly to that method) and cover.  Let sit over night. Remove cinnamon stick after overnight soak. Blend until smooth and only fine grit remains. Stain (in batches perhaps) into beverage container using cheese cloth. Stir in sugar or sweetener of your choice.

Now what to do with all that rice and almond paste.  I made "rice pudding". If you really love the flavor of horchata then why not. Another suggestion is mixing with coconut oil and making a body scrub.