Friday, January 25

Oven roasted pork tenderloin

This is my go-to pork loin recipe.  Like any great, easy, weeknight-friendly recipe it is relatively hands off and uses nothing fancy, only what you have on hand.  What I have on hand tonight is citrus rind, garlic salt, and thyme. 

no such thing as too many cardigans

My T.J. Maxx list today included underpants for D, an interview appropriate blouse, and coffee. Ssuccess came in star wars undies and three bags of coffee, none of which were more than $6.  What I have come to notice on my last few trips  are several brands of womens clothing that are made in the USA. Today I saw several pieces from Tea N Rose and Say What? .  Both were noticed for light weight cardigans in pretty colors.

Say What? $25

Queen of Kindness

I've been preparing answers to various questions in my head.  One of which is who do i consider to be a hero.  Laugh all you want but my first inclination is to say Ellen.  I find her style, wit, grace, very inspirational.  I feel like she uses her powers for good not evil. When so many others, in a similar position of power, wither do nothing to make the world a better place or their public persona seems built around actually making things worse.  Above all, I admire her as a champion of kindness.

I have had it in mind for a long time to start up the blog again. My only obstacle was figuring out what I ought to say to reintroduce my aim. So I won't say anything. Today I planted apricots from seed. I followed instructions found here. though, I didn't precisely follow those steps so I will not get my hopes up for an orchard. Mainly the apricot kernels sat in the fridge for more longer than i intended and some dried out while others got moldy. Ten were planted. I will be thrilled if two sprout.
9 containers, 10 seeds, all fingers crossed